Monday, January 31, 2011

Life...wonderful Life...

I have often wondered about how challenging it is to live here on Earth, yet people succeed in every walk of life. Life here on Earth, has its own problems, big and small, for every single soul, but still there is something so magical in it that we all want to keep living here admist all the problems we face.  The biggest miracle of all: Life!

Everything about Life is marvellous... right from the minute we come to existence to the very day we leave from here. And the most thrilling part is the journey inbetween, an unusual yet right mix of masalas: joy, pain, earning, loosing, giving, getting, love, hurt, healthy, sick,  laugh, cry , trust, betray and on and on and on goes the list... all making life what it really is, to every single one of us... just unique and not so easy, yet so special!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a Buddhist phrase. "Suffer what there is to suffer and enjoy what there is to enjoy... realize that both suffering and joy are part of life. You are life"


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