Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Point-of-View in Life!

In a small town there lived two brothers. But apart from the fact that they were brothers, they had nothing in common. The elder brother had many bad habits  drugs, alcohol, etc...and was often in and out of jail. He was a criminal by career, a very bad dad, with about two failed marriages.  His brother on the contrary, led a very healthy and peaceful life. He was a bussiness man in a very high position, a very good dad and husband. In his free time he serves his community through physical and financial means.

One day a reporter from a local telivision interviewed both the brothers seperately and asked them the same question..." What is it that made you, who you are today?"

The elder brother replied, "It is all b'cas of my father. He was an alcoholic, beat my mother, often for no reason. He was selfish and showed no love or affection to us. Today I have become just like him!".

The younger brother replied, "Its all b'cas of my father. He was a failure by all means. I took a resolve that I would never be like him. I am so grateful to my dad that he showed me how not to live!".

Both the brothers were troubled by their abusive father. They both had negative input however their output was completely different. Everything depends on our mind! If we want to see good in something or someone we can and if we decide to see bad, we can sure find a lot of that as well. Everything depends on how you look at it. Its all in your point of view!

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